Client Success: Advanced Coated Products

The Carbon Stamp & Advanced Coated Products

Expert Carbon Footprint Assessment

Our team performed a thorough carbon footprint assessment in accordance with ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol Corporate Standards. The process resulted in a comprehensive Carbon Impact Report, detailing their specific emissions and paving the way for targeted action.

Certified Carbon Offset Solutions

Upon completing the carbon assessment, we identified certified projects worldwide for Advanced Coated Products to offset their Scope 1 emissions. This initiative supports global sustainability efforts and marks a significant step towards their environmental responsibility.

Collaborative Approach & Education

We engaged closely with the Advanced Coated Products wider team, conducting on-site visits and employee presentations. Our sessions included educating the team on key sustainability terms like 'carbon emissions' and 'carbon neutrality' which provided the team with a clear understanding of their environmental impact.

Our Clients’ Achievements

Following a comprehensive carbon footprint assessment in strict adherence to ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol Corporate Standards, we had the distinct honour of awarding Advanced Coated Products Ltd their well-deserved certificates.

Displayed below are the notable Carbon Footprint Assessment, Carbon Offset, and Carbon Neutral Status Certificates.

“Our company has a clear sustainability agenda involving the use of recycled content and non-fossil fuel materials and biodegradable options, renewable energy sources, a war on waste, and energy reduction initiatives.

But this was only part of the challenge: we needed to turn the qualitative objective into a quantifiable baseline and actionable targets.

Enter Frazer and Glen from The Carbon Stamp, who provided expertise in carbon footprint assessment and carbon offset solutions, and worked with us on our metrics for three months, driving really positive decision-making and planning for the future.

I would highly recommend them for their obvious knowledge of the subject and incredibly helpful approach.”

Hamish Pitt,

Managing Director of Advanced Coated Products