
At The Carbon Stamp, sustainability isn't just a service we provide—it's the core of who we are. This page highlights our own commitment to sustainability and serves as an example of the type of impactful content your business can achieve through our services.

Carbon Impact Report 2024

We practice what we preach at The Carbon Stamp by rigorously measuring our carbon footprint every year.

Annually, in April, we release our Carbon Impact Report, which details our environmental impact and the steps we're taking toward sustainability. Sign up below to receive a copy.

Stamping Out Climate Change

As with all our clients, we calculate our carbon emissions across all scopes adhering to the ISO 14064-1 andGHG Protocol Corporate Standards. Our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint is evident through our reliance on remote work, virtual meetings, and electric vehicles.

We've implemented a robust carbon reduction plan with the goal of reaching net zero by 2030. Read more about our strategy in our Carbon Impact Report.

See below our carbon impact across each scope:

Scope 1

675 kgCO2e

Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse gas emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by an organisation, such as emissions from fuel combustion in owned vehicles or boilers.

Scope 2

0 kgCO2e

Scope 2 emissions are indirect greenhouse gas emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity, heat, or steam, where the emissions occur at the facility where the electricity is generated.

Scope 3

2,324 kgCO2e

Scope 3 emissions encompass all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain, such as emissions from purchased goods and services, waste disposal, and business travel.

Certified Carbon Neutral

We are proudly certified as carbon neutral, adhering to ISO 14068 standards. After rigorous carbon calculations in line with ISO 14064 and the GHG Protocol Corporate Standards across Scopes 1, 2, and 3, we offset our entire carbon footprint.

This is achieved through a diverse range of globally certified carbon offset projects facilitated by The Carbon Stamp.:

  • Pavagada Solar Plant

  • Nam Kap Hydropower Project

  • Queen Victoria Solar PV Project

  • Madre de Dios Amazon REDD Project

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