For Businesses

Carbon Footprint Assessment for Businesses

Partner with The Carbon Stamp, the UK's leading carbon calculation initiative, to seamlessly navigate your business towards carbon neutrality. Our expert team offers precise carbon emission calculations and cost-effective offsetting solutions.

Align your corporate sustainability goals with globally recognised standards like ISO 14064 and the GHG Protocol Corporate Standards. Start your journey to an eco-friendly future.

Trusted Carbon Calculations

Accurate data aligned with top global standards like ISO 14064 and GHG Emissions Protocol.

3rd Party Verification

Independent audits ensure transparency and authenticity in every claim we make.

Detailed Carbon Reports

Comprehensive insights highlighting your carbon footprint, pointing out areas of excellence and potential improvement.

Ready-to-use Media Pack

All the tools you need to showcase your commitment and efforts towards a greener planet.

Tailored Carbon Reduction Plans

Customised, actionable strategies to further minimise your business's carbon footprint.

How Does Your Business Become Carbon Neutral?

Becoming a carbon neutral business through The Carbon Stamp is an uncomplicated yet profound journey. We’ve distilled it down to three foundational steps, with an added fourth for continuous positive impact:

Phase 1 - Calculate

Our team of experts will meticulously calculate your business's carbon footprint for the previous year or financial year, identifying emissions sources and consumption patterns.

Our approach follows internationally recognised standards such as ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, ensuring the utmost accuracy and credibility in your carbon reporting.

Phase 2 - Reduce

For sustained environmental impact, we provide assistance in crafting a tailored Carbon Reduction Plan specific for your organisation

This plan outlines actionable strategies to further reduce your carbon footprint and drive continuous improvement in your environmental performance.

Phase 3 - Offset

Following precise calculations, your business’s carbon footprint will be neutralised through our carefully selected certified carbon removal and offsetting projects worldwide, effectively counterbalancing your total CO2 emissions and supporting sustainable initiatives.

Through strategic investments in certified renewable energy projects and other sustainable initiatives, you can use carbon removal offsets and work towards becoming carbon neutral.

Phase 4 - Certify

Once your carbon footprint has been successfully neutralised, your business will proudly earn The Carbon Stamp certificate, recognising your status as a carbon neutral business.

This certification and details about the supported projects can be shared with your stakeholders as well as your customers, demonstrating your commitment to a sustainable future.

Why Become A Carbon Neutral Business?

In the modern marketplace, carbon neutrality is a strategic imperative, not just an environmental statement. It signals to consumers, investors, and competitors your commitment to sustainable growth. By reducing and offsetting emissions, businesses gain a competitive edge, enhance their brand reputation, and open up new revenue streams.

Carbon neutrality is an investment in a resilient and responsible business future, aligning with global climate goals and consumer expectations for eco-friendly practices. Act now, and lead the transition towards a greener economy.

1. Enhanced Reputation

A recent YouGov study of 9,000 global consumers revealed that 66% would view companies more favorably if they actively reduced their organisations carbon footprint, underscoring the value of a strong environmental reputation.

2. Competitive Advantage

Being carbon neutral will give your businesses a competitive edge. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) states that companies with strong environmental performance achieve 67% higher return on equity compared to their peers.

3. Increased Revenue Opportunities

Businesses embracing carbon neutrality see tangible rewards; a Nielsen study found that 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable goods, spotlighting a clear revenue advantage for environmentally-conscious brands.

Become a Carbon Neutral Business Today - Get In Touch!

Interested in learning more about our carbon calculation and offsetting services for your organisation? Share your details, and we'll gladly provide all the information you need.

Client Success: Advanced Coated Products

The Carbon Stamp & Advanced Coated Products

Expert Carbon Footprint Assessment

Our team performed a thorough carbon footprint assessment in accordance with ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol Corporate Standards. The process resulted in a comprehensive Carbon Impact Report, detailing their specific emissions and paving the way for targeted action.

Certified Carbon Offset Solutions

Upon completing the carbon assessment, we identified certified projects worldwide for Advanced Coated Products to offset their Scope 1 emissions. This initiative supports global sustainability efforts and marks a significant step towards their environmental responsibility.

Collaborative Approach & Education

We engaged closely with the Advanced Coated Products wider team, conducting on-site visits and employee presentations. Our sessions included educating the team on key sustainability terms like 'carbon emissions' and 'carbon neutrality' which provided the team with a clear understanding of their environmental impact.