Lábrea Forest Revival Initiative - Brazil


Situated in Lábrea, Amazonas State, Brazil, this project addresses the escalating deforestation rates that have plagued the region, with a recorded increase from 3.8% in 2017 to 5.3% in 2020. The project pools together the efforts of 15 neighbouring properties, encompassing a vast 99,035.20 ha of forest area.

Their collective mission is to tackle forest carbon activities, drawing inspiration from the nearby Fortaleza Ituxi REDD Project. Roads such as “Jequitibá” and “Ramal do Boi” have been identified as major contributors to the increasing deforestation. The imminent threat posed by the sale of land to private investors has made the project's goals even more pertinent. By enhancing surveillance mechanisms and introducing sustainable practices, the project aims to yield benefits on three fronts: climate, community, and biodiversity.

On the climate front, the project is projected to result in an impressive average GHG emission reduction of 522,923 tCO2e per annum, culminating in a total of 16,210,610 tCO2e over a span of 30 years.

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Why did we choose this project?

  1. Environmental Restoration: Lábrea has faced rampant deforestation due to agricultural and cattle ranching expansions. This project focuses on sustainable forest management, aiming to reduce GHG emissions by 16,210,610 tCO2e over 30 years and preserving 24,031 hectares of forest.

  2. Social and Livelihood Enhancement: Land-use conflicts have displaced wild-harvesting families in the region. The project intends to reestablish community bonds and offer sustainable livelihood opportunities. This includes training in cattle raising, forest management, and Brazil-nut production.

  3. Advanced Surveillance for Conservation: The project prioritizes forest protection with the establishment of fifteen surveillance posts and the acquisition of motorcycles to deter illegal activities, ensuring forest preservation