Salkhit Wind Farm - Mongolia


Invest in the Salkhit wind farm in Mongolia, operated by Clean Energy LLC, and be part of an impressive 49.6 MW clean energy project. With an annual generation of around 168.5 GWh of renewable electricity, this wind farm is a key player in the transition to a carbon-neutral future.

By displacing fossil fuel power plants, the Salkhit wind farm contributes to reducing CO2 emissions and serves as an excellent carbon offsetting opportunity. As Mongolia's first grid-connected wind farm, it promotes sustainable development, job creation, and a thriving renewable energy industry, aligned with the mission of The Carbon Stamp.

During its second crediting period from June 2020 to June 2027, the wind farm is projected to achieve a remarkable emission reduction of 1,332,835 tCO2e. With an average annual emission reduction of about 190,405 tonnes of CO2e, your investment directly supports significant progress towards a greener future.

Don't miss the chance to invest in this exceptional project and join The Carbon Stamp in driving positive change, creating a carbon-neutral world, and leaving a lasting impact on the fight against climate change.

Click here to find out more about this project.

Why did we choose this project?

  1. 49.6 MW of Clean Energy: The Salkhit wind farm boasts an impressive capacity of 49.6 MW, generating a staggering 168.5 GWh of renewable electricity annually. By investing, you contribute to a substantial increase in clean energy production.

  2. 1,332,835 tCO2e Emission Reduction: Over the second crediting period, the Salkhit wind farm is estimated to achieve an emission reduction of 1,332,835 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e). Your investment directly supports significant greenhouse gas reductions.

  3. Catalysing Sustainable Development: As the first wind farm in Mongolia, the Salkhit project plays a vital role in driving the adoption of wind power and stimulating the growth of renewable energy technologies. Your investment supports sustainable development, job creation, and a transition to a cleaner, more sustainable future.